Walden Gage is always striving to provide our clients with access to the highest quality in all lines of fixed limit gaging. Spline Gaging is no exception. As far as fixed limit gages go, spline gages can be some of the most complex and difficult to design and build. After extensive research and investigation into the methods of manufacture and measurement Walden Gage is pleased to offer access to the nation’s best and brightest manufacturers of these comely measuring instruments. Please contact us today to learn more about how we can help you acquire your unique measurement solution!
Posted on July 26.2015As a small business started in Connecticut, relocated to New York and expanded to include locations in New Hampshire Walden Gage has been focused on expanding the business to better serve you, our valued client. In recent months we have expanded our list of available resources to include familiar names such as Gage Assembly, Hemco Gages, Vermont Gage, PMC Lonestar and many more. Contact us today to learn more about out long list of available resources and new locations that may be coming to your area soon!
Posted on July 26.2015At Walden Gage we have grown our business the old fashion way. Through superior customer service and extensive product knowledge that leads to word of mouth recommendations. In this day and age social media is the ultimate resource for work of mouth recommendations and we are now expanding into this resource in an attempt to provide our clients with an opportunity to share experiences, form relationships and network online with us! Check out our Facebook, Twitter and Linked in pages and get more familiar with Walden Gage and our family of clients and vendors. We look forward to hearing from you!
Posted on July 26.2015